Stopping Youth Illicit Drug Use: A New Approach — Ben Engelberg
Drug abuse among youth remains a pressing
public health issue. The Annual Monitor our Future survey conducted by the University
of Michigan found that in 2011 36 percent of high school seniors had used
marijuana and 15.2 percent abused prescription drugs (1). Half of high school
seniors had tried an illicit drug in their lifetime. Despite efforts to reduce
the drug use among young adults and adolescents, the rates have remained
relatively steady (1).
The high drug use rate among youth is
particularly troubling because most drug users start in their teens. According
to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, in 2010 there were 3 million new drug
users and 57 percent were under 18 (2). Therefore, effective youth prevention
and early intervention would significantly help reduce drug use in the general population
The US Office of Drug Control Policy, in
response to youth drug use, launched the “My Anti-Drug” campaign in 1998 as the
first phase of its “National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign.” The campaign’s
chief goal was to prevent drug initial drug use among 9-18 year olds. Congress
provided the campaign one billion dollars in funding (4).
The vast majority of these funds were
spent on advertising, particularly television ads. The campaign, realizing the
power of branding, created the “Anti-Drug” brand name that it utilized in its
advertisements. The advertisements focused on displaying both the negative
effects of abusing drugs and the positive effects of not using drugs. Ads also
offered resistance skills. The first ads to air, presented youths explaining
what activities kept them away from drugs use. There “anit-drug.” After they
offered their answer the phrase “What’s your anti-drug” or “___: My anti-drug” would
appear in writing. The goal of these ads was to encourage youths to think about,
and focus on, activities that would keep them away from drug use. In addition, the
campaign also encouraged youth to send in what their own “anti-drug” was to the
campaign online (4).
Later ads focused more on the detrimental
consequences of drug use. For example, an ad showed a group of, presumably high
teenagers, running over a child on her bike with their car. These later ads were
significantly more fear based (4).
Despite the money and effort put into the
“Anti-Drug” campaign, it failed in its goal to reduce youth drug use. The
Government Accountability Office analyzed the effects of the campaign and found
that the rate of marijuana use, the primary target of the campaign, was unaffected
(5). Another study published in the American Journal of Public Health came to
similar conclusions, finding that the campaign failed to reduce marijuana use (6).
Perhaps even more troubling, both studies found an association between exposure
to the campaign and weaker anti-drug norms (5) (6). The campaign’s failure
opens up the question of where the intervention went wrong.
Flaw #1: Reliance on
Understanding the failure of this
intervention requires an explanation of the model the campaign was based on,
the theory of planned behavior. According to this theory people’s behavior is
rational and is based on their attitudes towards a behavior, their subjective
social norms, and their self-efficacy. Their attitudes towards a behavior are
their beliefs of the perceived benefits and or negative consequences that will
occur as a result of that behavior. Subjective social norms refer to peoples’
perceptions of the opinions others hold of the behavior, and self-efficacy is
their belief in their ability to perform the behavior. According to the theory,
people ultimately determine whether to perform a behavior or not after
rationally weighing these three factors (7).
The “Anti-Drug” campaign utilized the
theory of planned behavior to encourage youth to rationally choose not to use
drugs. The campaign tried to change youth attitudes towards drug use by
presenting the negative consequences of using drugs and the benefits of abstaining
from drug use. For instance, the campaign aired an ad where a teenager wakes up
in his bed after a night a party. After hitting his alarm clock, the teen looks
over his shoulder and realizes that he does not know the girl he is sleeping in
bed with. The ad ends with the phrase “Regret: My Anti-Drug” appearing on the
screen. The ads message is that drug use leads to regretful behavior. Through
presenting this possible consequence of drugs use, the ad is an attempt to
dissuade youth from using drugs.
The theory of planned behavior, however,
is flawed because of its assumption that people behave rationally. While people
may act rationally the majority of the time, people frequently are irrational.
Contrary to the theory of planned behavior, people’s behavior is often not
weighed out in kind of cost-benefit analysis, nor are people’s actions always
defined by reason. Some behaviors are guided by impulse and irrationality. For
example, people that choose to start smoking cigarettes likely understand that
smoking has very negative effects on their health yet they choose to start
smoking anyways (8). These new smokers are primarily basing their decision on impulse,
not reason and rationality (9).
Employing a theory based on rational
thinking is particularly ill suited for youth because adolescents and young
adult behavior is less rational than adults. Youth are more likely to smoke cigarettes,
have casual sex partners, and commit violent crime, all behavior commonly
thought of as irrational. Researchers have found that this is partly a result
of changes in the brain that increase attraction to risk. Youth, therefore,
have an inherent tendency to act irrationally and a campaign that is based on
rationality is unlikely to find success. (10).
Flaw #2: Creating a
The theory of psychological reactance
provides further explanation for the failure of the “Anti-Drug” campaign.
According to the theory of social reactance, people often perceive messages
that attempt to change their behavior as threats to their freedom. As a result,
they tend react by ignoring the message, criticizing the source, or performing
the action the message is meant to reduce. The message, therefore, proves
completely ineffectual (11).
The “My Anti-Drug” campaign either was
unaware of the theory of psychological reactance or chose to ignore it. While
perhaps not as explicitly urging youth not to use drugs as the “Just Say No”
campaign, the message not to use drugs was clear. The campaign’s ads
communicated this message by painting vivid pictures of the negative consequences
of abusing drugs. The ad previously mentioned of a group of presumably high
teenagers running over a young girl is typical of the types of those aired by
the campaign. Based on theory of psychological reactance the message that drug
use is unacceptable, likely caused a backlash. Youth probably ignored the
message, criticized the government for airing the message, or were more likely
to use drugs.
Furthermore, a message demanding that
youth change their behavior or attitudes maybe particularly ineffective. The teenage
and young adult years are commonly marked by rebellious behavior. This
rebellious nature makes youth more likely to react negatively to messages from
authority compelling them to change their behavior (12). Consequently, the
message to young adults and adolescents not to use drugs in the “My Anti-Drug”
campaign was never likely to achieve its goal.
Flaw # 3: Creating the
Wrong Social Norms
Social expectation theory provides
additional insight into the failure of the “My Anti-Drug” campaign. According
to social expectations theory, portrayals of people in mass media affect the
viewer’s conception of social norms. Conforming to their conception of social
norms, the viewer often models their behavior off of people in the media when
presented similar situations to those they have viewed. For example, a college
freshman may binge drink because of the images of binge drinking the student
has seen in the movies and on television. Social expectations, therefore, have
an important affect on behavior (13).
The “My Anti-Drug” campaign
unintentionally created expectations for behavior that actual supported drug use.
The campaign regularly aired ads that showed youth using drugs. This conveys
the message that drug use among youth is all pervasive. That youth drug use is
expected. These ads, thereby, may have effectively caused more youth to use
drugs or, at the very least, accept use by their peers because they perceive it
as a normal part of teenage and young adult life.
New Campaign
Drug use amongst youth continues to be a
pressing issue and there is need for a different kind of campaign. I propose
the federal government invest the money currently apportioned to its current
“Above the Influence Campaign” into a new campaign title “The Movement.” The campaign
will aim to educate youth about how drug traffickers are exploiting them to
fund the drug war, and how, by not abusing drugs, they can feel empowered and
fight the drug traffickers.
The campaign will create “The Movement”
brand and focus on making the brand ubiquitous. The launch of the campaign will
commence with a television advertisement that will first air during a major
television event that will have significant viewership. The advertisement will
begin with an image of high school age boy sleeping in his room in the second
floor of a row house in an unnamed city. Hearing a noise outside, he will
awaken and look outside. There he will see other high school age youth marching
down the street. Interested in seeing where all these people are marching, the
boy will walk down the stairs of his row house and open the front door. Upon
opening the door, he will peer to his right and then to his left and see other youth
coming out of their row houses and joining the march. The boy will then run out
of his row house and join them. Inspirational pop music will begin to play as
the camera will pan out and show an aerial view of the march displaying
thousands and thousand of youth solemnly parading down the street. In white
lettering the phrase “Defund the drug war” will then appear on the screen
surrounded by a completely black background. The phrase “Freedom from drugs”
will then appear followed by the phrase “The Movement.” Suddenly, the screen
will quickly flash the movement logo, a large white m surrounded by a black
background with the “The Movement” written under the m in white letters in
smaller font. The campaign’s website address will appear on the screen to end
the advertisement.
In addition to this ad, the campaign will
employ street teams in cities across the United States. These street teams will
put up posters of the movement logo on the side of buildings, conduct flash
mobs, and pass out literature about the movement. The literature about the “Movement”
will focus on how drug traffickers are manipulating and controlling young
people through addiction and the harm that drug traffickers are inflicting on the
general population in and outside the United States. The literature will also
emphasize how youths can empower themselves and fight the drug traffickers by
not using drugs.
Youth will have the opportunity to learn
more about the campaign from its website. The website will include similar
information to the literature passed out by the street teams. It will also
include a link to order campaign posters, t-shirts, and other products. This
merchandise will have either have the campaigns logo imprinted on it or street
art supporting the campaigns message created by paid artists.
Solution #1: Campaign Based
on Employing Youth Emotions
Unlike the “My Anti-Drug” Campaign, the
proposed “Movement” campaign is not reliant on a flawed belief in rationality.
The campaign avoids presenting the negative personal consequences of drug use
and the benefits of living life with out drugs. This is recognition that a campaign
based on these features is bound to fail.
Rather than attempting to encourage
rational thinking, the “Movement” campaign appeals to emotions. Research has
found that emotions often affect behavior more than rational thought. Human
brains are actually evolutionarily set up to pay more attention to emotion than
reason (14). The “Movement” campaign taps into emotion by illustrating how drug
traffickers are manipulating youth to fund the drug war through their drug use.
This appeals to the universal urge not to feel deceived or used. In addition,
the campaign appeals to empathy for people suffering from the drug war. Combined,
the emotions provide youth motivation to abstain from drug use
Solution #2: Utilizing
Psychological Reactance
Recognizing the power of emotions on people’s
behavior, the “Movement” campaign avoids the emotional reaction described in
the theory of psychological reactance. The campaigns purposefully never demands
youth not use drugs. For instance, in the campaign’s advertisement the phrase
“Freedom from drugs” appears on the screen instead of a message such as “Say no
to drugs”. The campaigns message is affirmative. Through this form of
messaging, the campaign avoids a negative reaction from compelling youth to
eschew a behavior or belief.
The “Movement” campaign actually employs
the theory of psychological reaction to its benefit. The campaign encourages
youth to react against threats to their freedom and independence from drug
traffickers. Through the campaigns literature and website, the campaign explains
how drug traffickers are manipulating and controlling youth. Drug cartels encourage
youth to become addicted to drugs, and become reliant on drug cartels. These
youth thereby lose their freedom and independence to these drug traffickers. Youth
are encouraged to react against this threat to their freedom by not using
The “Movement” campaigns subversive
nature also is based on the theory of psychological reactance. The campaign’s
use of flash mobs, posters on the sides of buildings, street teams, and
merchandise imprinted with street art, create a simulated resistance movement
against the drug traffickers. Youths are encouraged to join this movement, and
rebel by not using drug.
The American Legacy Foundation’s “Truth”
campaign already has proven this form of messaging is effective. The “Truth”
campaign urged youth not to use tobacco by illustrating how tobacco companies
threaten youth’s independence by compelling them to smoke and ultimately become
addicted. According to a study published in The American Journal of Preventive
Medicine, 450,000 fewer youth initiated smoking nationwide as a result of the
campaign. Other studies have found similar reductions in youth smoking rates
Solution #3: Changing
Social Norms
In addition to psychological reactance
theory, the “Movement” campaign utilizes the theory of social expectations. The
core of the advertisement for the campaign is an image of thousands of youths
marching down a street. The advertisement infers that these youths are part of a movement of young adults and adolescents
that have chosen not to use drugs. Through this message, the campaign is illustrating
that drug use is not pervasive among youth. The campaign furthers this message
through the use of street teams that are intended to become ubiquitous in the
major cities. The street art and flash mobs create the perception that there is
a movement of young adults and adolescents not using drugs. This effectively
begins to alter youth’s social norms, and encourages them to abstain from drug
The campaign purposefully never employs
any image of drug use. This kind of image would further normalize drug use
among youth. Instead, by creating the perception of a movement, the campaign leads
youth to believe drug use is abnormal.
Past interventions have illustrated the efficacy
of public health interventions that change social norms. Former Northern
Illinois University Professor Michael Haines’ work altering drinking norms is an
example of the power of this type of intervention. Haines dramatically reduced
drinking at Northern Illinois University, through social marketing that
presented healthy drinking behavior. The proportion of students at the
university that reported binge drinking reduced from 45 percent to 25 percent.
The proportion reporting that they abstained from drinking increased by 10
percent. The University of Arizona, Rowan University, and other institutions of
higher education have effectively employed similar campaigns to change social
norms and reduce drinking (16).
The US
Office of Drug Control Policy’s failure to reduce drug use through the “My Anti
Drug” campaign illustrates the need for a novel approach. Campaigns encouraging
rational thinking are bound to fail. Based on employing youths’ emotions, the
proposed “Movement” campaign provides an effective method of reducing drugs
adolescent and young adult drug use.
(1) National
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(2) National
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(3) National
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(4) Evans, D.W.,
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(5) United
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(6) Hornick, R., Jacobsohn, L., Orwin, R.,
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(11) Pfau, M.,
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(12) Hersey,
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(13) Fourie, P. (Ed.). Media Studies Volume 1: Institutions, Theories and Issues. Lansdown, South Africa: Juta Education, 2007.
(14) Walsh, D., & Gentile, D. Slipping Under the Radar: Advertising and the Mind. In: Riley, L. & Obot I. (Eds.) Drinking it in: Alcohol Marketing and Young People. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization.
(15) Legacy for
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(16) Berkowitz, A. An Overview of the Social Norms
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Drinking: A Socially Situated Health Communications Campaign. Cresskill, NJ:
Hampton Press, 2005.Labels: Adolescent Health, Drug Abuse, Health Communication, Orange
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