Weak Statistics from Last Weekend: Ineffective Incident Data Mar BU Alcohol Safety and Awareness Campaign – Leif Brierley
In the fall of
2011, Boston University implemented a concerted effort to combat underage
drinking and alcohol abuse by BU students. The campaign consisted of a larger police
presence in neighborhoods and areas known for partying and alcohol consumption,
an increased number of citations and arrests made in those areas, and the online
publishing of statistics from each previous weekend on the University’s daily
email newsletter, BU Today. While the
current statistics1 describing the results of the
efforts, called “Alcohol Enforcement Patrols: Statistics from Last Weekend”,
suggest that the increased police presence and effort was producing some
prohibitory effect, the campaign’s poor design ultimately undermined its
central message of alcohol awareness and safety. Rather than promoting this
message effectively, the campaign’s design relies on a controversial social
psychology model, invoked negative psychological reactions from the student
body, and neglected core components of communications theory in addressing the
issue. As a result, the message of alcohol awareness and safety is blunted by a
weak statistical projection of police data that is meaningless and useless to
the BU student body. The University would be well served amending its campaign
by reframing its efforts and publishing positive efforts on campus, utilizing sound
communications theory, and recognizing the myriad of influences that affect a
student’s decision-making process in regard to alcohol consumption.
published under the headline “New Crackdown on Alcohol Abuse”, the campaign to
“discourage dangerous drinking”2 kicked off on the first weekend
of the Fall semester of 2011. In an article2 posted on BU Today, the efforts were described as a response to an alarming
number of transports to the hospital in the previous academic year, when about 250
students went to the hospital for acute alcohol intoxication. As a result, the
University decided to increase its police presence in known party
neighborhoods, such as those located directly off-campus in Allston and
Brighton. Officers began issuing more citations, breaking up more parties and
patrolling more in those off-campus neighborhoods, all with the goal of
controlling alcohol use by BU students. The Director of Student Health Services,
Dr. David McBride, was quoted in the article saying, “We’re not trying to keep
you from having fun, but you need to keep it under control”, describing the
efforts as a responsibility that students must take upon themselves, that
officers will enforce.
A major component
of the campaign, designed to serve as a deterrent intentionally made visible to
students, is the weekly publishing of police statistics as a feature called
“Alcohol Enforcement Patrols: Statistics from Last Weekend” (AEP)(see Figure 1).
Compiled from BU, Brookline, and Boston police activity logs from the previous
weekend, the statistics appear weekly in the Thursday edition of BU Today, an email newsletter sent to
all BU faculty, staff, and students each weekday. These statistics include the
number of hospital transports, summonses for underage drinking, citations for
public drinking, students taken into protective custody, students arrested, and
parties broken up. The statics are displayed on a dull, cartoonish graphic of
two red drinks cups, one of which appears to be spilling its contents. Dr. McBride
describes the intention behind this publication in the following way:
“Hopefully, students will recognize that there’s
going to be a higher police presence and perhaps make decisions based on that,”
McBride says. By publicizing numbers, “it’s visible to students, so that before
the weekend, they look and say, ‘Gosh, 50 people were cited for public
intoxication or have to appear in court. Maybe I won’t go out this weekend;
maybe I’ll do something on campus.’” 2
Figure 1: Example
figure of BU’s “Alcohol Enforcement Patrols: Statistics From Last Weekend”

publication has appeared consistently for since its first release in Fall 2011;
however, its efficacy is relatively unknown. According to a recent BU Today
article, the University has seen a dramatic decrease in the number of alcohol
violations and a significant drop in hospital transports reported this Fall semester
(2012) compared to Fall 2011. Dr. McBride has refrained from stating a direct correlation
between the efforts and the reduced alcohol abuse; however, he has indicated
that the University would like to think their efforts are associated with the
results, while acknowledging the need for more data to make a more conclusive
statement. To this date, the AEP Data continues to be published.
Criticisms of
the Alcohol Enforcement Patrols: Statistics from Last Weekend Campaign
While the AEP
campaign is certainly well intended, its design undermines its message of
alcohol awareness and safety significantly. Three distinct arguments can be
made why this approach is flawed in its design. First, the campaign appears to
be based on the Health Belief Model (HBM), a controversial social psychology
model that assumes intention leads to subsequent behavior and that disregards
external social influences. Second, two psychosocial theories of behavior, the
theory of Cognitive Dissonance and the theory of Psychological Reactance, may be
at play and detrimentally affect the campaign’s reception by the intended
audience (the students). Finally, the AEP campaign fails to utilize
Communications Theory effectively, deadening the impact of yet another
health-related message. These three main criticisms of the campaign
significantly detract from University’s efforts to decrease alcohol abuse by
its students. As a result, this intervention may constitute a waste of
resources and serious misstep in the management of students’ safety and
wellbeing by the University due to the campaign’s low potential value to the BU
The Health
Belief Model
formulated by US Public Health Service social psychologists, the Health Belief
Model (HBM)4 was created to help scientists
and public health professionals understand what factors influenced an
individual’s motivation to get screened for disease5. The model assumes that
individuals are the source of behavior, as it considers decision making at the
individual level as the main influence on behavioral outcomes6. The HBM initially rested on
four distinct factors, adding two more components later on. As a result, the
HBM says that health seeking behavior is dictated by six factors: 1) Perceived
susceptibility to a health issue 2) Perceived Severity of the consequences of
the health issue 3) Perceived benefits of an action taken in prevention 4)
Perceived barriers to taking that action 5) Cues to action – what influences
spark the action5 and 6) Self-Efficacy7 – how adept the individual
believes they are at being able to act. Essentially, this approach focuses on
the individual’s ability to perceive themself in response to the health issue
at hand, the intentions that develop in response to a situation, and how they
behave after forming those intentions. Thus, the HBM represents a social
cognition model of perception, intention formation, and action8.
campaign, the HBM appears to guide the framework of the campaign’s message. The
campaign hinges on students perceiving health information, evaluating it, and
acting to reduce their alcohol abuse. Specifically, the AEP presents alcohol
abuse data so students can evaluate their own susceptibility and the severity
of the consequences of drinking, consider the positive outcomes of not drinking
and the hurdles that may impede a decision to not drink, and then use the
results of a cognitive analysis of this information as a cue to act, to not
drink. This analysis is directly in line with Dr. McBride’s quotation; the
University hopes that students will use this information to inform their
decision-making, and change their behavior and attitudes about drinking.
However, the
University’s reliance on the HBM is a misinformed decision that relies too
heavily on individual intentions leading to behaviors, neglecting social
influences present in college settings. In effect, this approach blames the
students solely for their drinking habits, a dangerous assumption indicating
that the University may be committing the Fundamental Attribution error9. This error is a bias in which intentions
behind behaviors are wrongly attributed to people with disregard to the social
and interpersonal forces that contribute significantly to the formation of
those behaviors10 11. This error has been cited as a
key component of the HBM12, because the Fundamental
Attribution error negates situational influences on behavior in favor of an
individualistic intention-to-behavior model that may be misleading. Clearly,
anecdotal evidence from popular culture serves to inform many students that the
expectation to drink in college is high13; therefore, both societal and
social pressures to consume alcoholic beverages in college environments most
certainly factor into individual’s decision making regarding whether or not to
consume alcohol14. The HBM clearly does not tell
the whole story on alcohol abuse awareness because it fails to account for
these major social pressures that influence individuals’ behaviors. Thus, the
AEP campaign’s reliance on the HBM is a major oversight on the part of the
Dissonance and Psychological Reactance
campaign also suffers because its central message fails to resonate with the
student body. Rather, the campaign’s design allows the message to be easily
dismissed by students, who may subconsciously react to it by actually
increasing their alcohol abuse behaviors. The two theories that support these
conclusions are psychological theories called Cognitive Dissonance and
Psychological Reactance. Cognitive Dissonance theory predicts that when
individuals partake in a behavior, such as underage drinking, that clashes with
their existing beliefs about the behavior, such as that underage drinking is
illegal or will have negative health consequences, those individuals experience
dissonance or psychological tension. In order to reduce this dissonance, the
person will then change their belief about the behavior because changing a
belief or attitude is much easier than stopping or changing a behavior15 16. In that way, the individual is
able rationalize their behavior through their new, modified belief, while
defensively dismissing the negative potential outcomes of their behavior17.
It is not farfetched
to believe that the AEP campaign could result in Cognitive Dissonance in BU
students. As alluded to previously, students may already partake in underage
drinking and alcohol abuse13; therefore, when presented with
data suggesting the dangers and consequences of this behavior, they react
defensively. Cognitive Dissonance has been displayed among various groups of
individuals, to serve as a defense mechanism for other adverse health
behaviors. For example, one study of smokers found that most smokers do not
view themselves at an increased risk of heart disease or cancer, despite the
known adverse health effects of smoking on those two conditions18. A similar reaction to a
campaign pointing out the negative consequences of drinking is very possible,
as students would adjust their beliefs to conform with their existing drinking
behaviors. The potential for Cognitive Dissonance as a reaction to the AEP is
therefore great.
Even more
troubling is the idea that once students have defensively dismissed the
statistics presented in the AEP via Cognitive Dissonance, they are likely to actually
increase their adverse drinking behavior. The Theory of Psychological Reactance
dictates this potential increase in alcohol abuse and misuse. Developed first
in the 1960s19 and later expanded in the 1970s20, Psychological Reactance argues
that individuals, when told what behaviors they can and cannot do, feel as
though their freedoms are being inhibited, and thus react to regain control of
those freedoms19. Often, this reaction includes
reestablishing that freedom by actually partaking in the behavior that was
being inhibited21. For example, students subjected
to anti-marijuana advertising, which would inhibit their freedom to choose to
use marijuana, actually expressed pro-drug attitudes in response to the
Here, the
analogy is clear: by telling students the dangers of using a substance like marijuana
or alcohol, causing students to infer that they should stop this behavior, an
intervention may actually encourage an increase in that negative behavior
because of Psychological Reactance. This scenario adds a dangerous element to
the AEP campaign, in which the University could potentially see an increase in
the number of adverse events related to alcohol as a result of their intervention.
Clearly, the psychological concepts introduced by the AEP could significantly
weaken the University’s efforts to curb alcohol abuse.
Finally, the
AEP campaign’s failure to use effective communications theory to transmit its message
to the student body hinders the overall campaign effort significantly. Basically,
the drab, nondescript graphic with police statistics (Figure 1), as well as the
general release of the AEP through BU Today, fails to use any real tried and
true methods of disseminating public health information. William J. McGuire’s
work on the Theoretical Foundations of
Campaigns22 is informative of the nature of
effective communications. Essentially, he describes what makes campaigns and
their messages effective via an input/output matrix that he calls the Communication/Persuasion
Model. The elements of his matrix consist of input and output factors. Input
factors include the source of the message, what the message says, and how it is
received. The output elements can be simplified into categories including the likability
of the message, the comprehension of the message, and the decision to act on
the message because of the positive reception of it.
each of these input/output elements must have certain characteristics to garner
a desired response to a campaign message. Input factors hinge on effective
message creation and dissemination. For example, the source of the message must
be perceived as a trusted, likeable source22. Additionally, the message
itself should contain variables such as humorousness and vividness. Finally,
the message should not necessarily be broadcast over the channel with the
largest bandwidth, because failing to target the message to the right audience
will diffuse its perceived credibility, likability, and comprehension22. Essentially, the message will
lose its output characteristics if it is not formulated or distributed
the AEP campaign fails to take McGuire’s advice to heart. The campaign, instead
of presenting itself from a likeable, trusted source, is distributed by BU’s
own news service, introducing the idea of a possibility of biased reporting and
therefore mistrust to students. The graphics are not vivid or humorous, but are
drab and data driven. And, because BU
Today is the channel of delivery, the AEP campaign loses its precision,
failing to target those select groups of students who may be more likely to
need additional alcohol awareness and safety advisories. By failing to heed a
key theory in communication, the AEP campaign loses much of its impact.
Conclusion of
Clearly, the
BU AEP campaign’s design is flawed, negatively affecting the campaign’s ability
to share its message of alcohol awareness and safety with the BU student body.
By relying on the HBM model, causing both cognitive dissonance and
psychological reactance to occur, and wholesomely failing to use any aspects of
effective communications theory, the AEP campaign is designed to fail. Without
intervention, this intervention will not succeed at providing alcohol awareness
and increasing safety for the student body.
A Proposed
Taken as a
whole, the AEP suffers from one main problem that can be described as the sum
of its parts: its message is poorly framed. Individuals are held responsible
for bad drinking habits, the student body reacts by distancing itself from the
health message, and the communication as a whole is a failure. The core value
of the message, Responsibility (See Table 1), is presented as an ideal but
unobtainable target: each week, students are inevitably showing up in the
statistics presented by the AEP as indicators of unsafe behavior. The message
of alcohol awareness and safety fails to resonate, and is ineffective.
Ultimately, the
University is left with one clear remedy: reframe the health message as a
positive effort, and promote this positive effort in the BU student community
with effective communications tailored to help the students make good choices
on the weekend. To that effect, the University could rebrand their campaign
under a positive connotation as the “Be You” campaign. The main idea behind the
campaign would be for the University to disseminate information on upcoming
positive, safe activities that were open to the student body, alternatives to
going out and abusing alcohol. Instead of focusing on the negative consequences
of alcohol use and abuse in a dull graphic and BU Today article, the campaign would be a weekly video clip or
soundbyte with a brief summary article attached to it, describing the various
on and off campus events occurring each week for students. This effort would
refocus the University’s message from one of negativity to one promoting
positive endeavors for students, and highlight a campus culture not focused on
alcohol but on student activity and livelihood.
How the “Be
You” Campaign Can Successfully Counter the AEP Campaign
the “Be You” campaign must not only replace the AEP campaign, but do so
effectively. In order to be effective, the “Be You” campaign will need to reframe
the message to one that employs Social Learning Theory, does not follow the HBM
and commit the Fundamental Attribution error, and is communicated in an
evidence-supported manner.
Establish New
Behaviors to Establish New Attitudes
The AEP fails
in part because it assumes a linear transgression of information to intention
to behavior, which may not necessarily be accurate12 given the broad context in which
the intervention is employed (a college campus). A major conceptual problem
with many public health projects that employ the HBM is that they assume
behavior change can only be accomplished once a person’s intentions have been
changed8. This idea is a bit antiquated
at this point, as research has shown that one of the best ways to get people to
really change their attitudes is to start by getting them to participate in the
desired behavior first. One model23 that demonstrates this concept
effectively is Social Learning Theory. Developed by Albert Bandura in 1977,
Social Learning Theory predicts that individuals will observe the behavior of
others and then adopt favorable behaviors as their own patterns of action in
response to similar problems and situations in their lives24. Because college students are
highly susceptible to the influence of their peers in developing behaviors,
including alcohol use patterns25, they may acquire behaviors more
readily through imitation than through intentional attitudinal change26.
As a result,
the “Be You” campaign would have to combat the strong influence of peers as
displayed through the Social Learning Theory. One effective way to promote the
sanctioned “Be You” non-drinking events would be to actually use Social
Learning Theory for this specific purpose. The campaign could use student
volunteers, preferably students who had great influence among the student body,
such as athletes and student leaders, to promote the events. By that reasoning,
many students would observe a particular pattern of behavior – model students
attending these “Be You” events – and identify those events as reasonable
activities, thereby increasing their own likelihood of attending. The goal of
the campaign initially would have to be to get students to attend just one “Be
You” event, which would be enough of an opportunity for the students to
reinforce the idea24 that their behaviors (attending
these non-alcohol activities) were indeed beneficial. Thus, the students would
begin to adapt not only their behaviors, but also change their attitudes to
accept that alternative activities to drinking as desirable uses of their time.
Reframing the
College Experience
In order to
counter the effects of Cognitive Dissonance and Psychological Reactance, the
“Be You” campaign will need to reframe the message of the AEP campaign – one of
sole personal responsibility for negative behaviors – to one that acknowledges
the many choices for activities and socializing that college provides. Framing
is a technique of public relations that repackages issues around a central idea
to convey a certain meaning about that idea27 28. This central idea is referred
to as the core value. The AEP campaign’s core value, Responsibility, factors
into the AEPs frame, titled “Be Careful or Else” (see Table 1), in which the
core position captures the essence of the responsibility the University is
placing with its students: safety is your responsibility, and if you as a
student do not behave safely, you will face medical, safety and disciplinary
consequences. This harsh frame clearly is at the heart of the forces driving
the feelings of Cognitive Dissonance and Psychological Reactance occurring in
response to the AEP campaign. Students are turned off by the severity of the
consequences that this decision places on them, especially when real outcomes
such as arrests and hospital transports are highlighted. Here, the frame
complements the two psychosocial theories nicely in illustrating why the
student body could react negatively to the AEP campaign.
In order to
effectively market the “Be You” campaign while maintaining its stance of mature
decision-making (responsibility), the University will need to reframe its
message. Framing is effective at inducing public opinion change, an important
consideration if the University intends to redefine the college experience at
BU to one not filled with alcohol and irresponsible decision-making. Indeed, one
study showed that framing has been effective in affecting public opinion on
alcohol policies29, and several others have demonstrated
that message framing may influence not just public opinion, but individual
behaviors30 31, too. By this logic, if the
University focuses on forming a message that addresses the issue of
responsibility by using a frame similar to that suggested in part B: Be You of
Table 1, they increase their chances of being successful in redefining the true
college experience at BU. Importantly, Frame B gives students the freedom to
choose which activities to partake in – a serious distinction from Frame A,
which serves to limit students’ behavior so they do not face negative
consequences. Giving students the freedom to do as they please within some
sanctioned activities, thereby increasing their self-efficacy32, will provide mutual benefits;
students are apt to adopt this responsibility, and the University benefits from
decreased alcohol abuse.
Under this
reframed argument, students will have the chance to do truly what they desire
in college, and not conform to the social norm of binge drinking and excessive
partying. Changing the social norms of these behaviors will require long
lasting and consistent framing efforts28 by the University. While student
behavior and attitude change may not be instantaneous, the long-term investment
by BU will be worthwhile if BU truly seeks to change the culture around
drinking at the University.
Table 1. Frames
present in the two contrasting campaigns. Note: A is for the AEP Campaign, B is
for the “Be You” Campaign.
Catch Phrases
Core Value
A: Be Careful
or Else
It is your duty to be safe or else face the
Only you can prevent forest fires
Don’t become another statistic
Ambulance Rides; Alcohol intoxication symptoms
(vomiting, falling, poor recall, etc.); Angry University officials; Legal
B: Be You
BU gives you great choices, it’s your
responsibility to make the most of them
Child in a candy store
Choose to Be You
Vast calendar of events; School dances; Band
nights; athletic events; Meeting new friends; Discovering new interests
Getting the
Message Out Effectively
Finally, in
order to effectively spread the word on campus about positive events occurring,
the message will need to utilize effective communications theory. In doing so,
the message should first be sent from a trusted BU source, and not one subject
to possible bias such as BU Today. The
Student Activities Office, SAO33, would be an appropriate group
to both gather and disseminate information about upcoming on-campus events. As
the organization on campus dedicated to providing students with things to do,
SAO already sends out an activities newsletter34 that would be a good start for
the “Be You” campaign. However, currently, the newsletter would be ineffective
as it stands, as it appears that only a few meager video newsletters have been
archived on the SAO website. Clearly, the production of such a piece would
require serious use of communications theory to develop a useful product.
Here, McGuire again provides a useful theory of communication that could be utilized in this situation, in complement to his previous postulates. First, the University should rely on his Communications/Persuasion Model22, and create their messages in accordance with his Input/output framework. Effective newsletters would have high likability and comprehension, and would be easily acted upon by students. One way to increase the likeability of a message is outlined in another of McGuire’s models. In his Social Attractiveness Model, McGuire contends that a message is most effective when it contains subjects who are similar, likable and familiar to the viewer35 36. This means that for their video messages, the University should use students as the subjects, who are well known to the student body, likeable as individuals, and have similar appearances to the average student. A reasonable subject could be a student-athlete, who presumably would be both well known from their athletic performance, likeable because of their general public personality, and similar in appearance because of their similar age and status in the community. Here, the university could have the athlete promote on-campus events such as sporting events, and students would have a reason to tune in. Likeability and comprehension of the message of positive events occurring on campus would increase, and students would be able to easily act on the events by attending the games. The message as a whole would therefore be a success.
Here, McGuire again provides a useful theory of communication that could be utilized in this situation, in complement to his previous postulates. First, the University should rely on his Communications/Persuasion Model22, and create their messages in accordance with his Input/output framework. Effective newsletters would have high likability and comprehension, and would be easily acted upon by students. One way to increase the likeability of a message is outlined in another of McGuire’s models. In his Social Attractiveness Model, McGuire contends that a message is most effective when it contains subjects who are similar, likable and familiar to the viewer35 36. This means that for their video messages, the University should use students as the subjects, who are well known to the student body, likeable as individuals, and have similar appearances to the average student. A reasonable subject could be a student-athlete, who presumably would be both well known from their athletic performance, likeable because of their general public personality, and similar in appearance because of their similar age and status in the community. Here, the university could have the athlete promote on-campus events such as sporting events, and students would have a reason to tune in. Likeability and comprehension of the message of positive events occurring on campus would increase, and students would be able to easily act on the events by attending the games. The message as a whole would therefore be a success.
if the University follows the recommended changes to its current AEP campaign,
and adopts the suggested rebranding, the “Be You” campaign will be poised for
success as a measure to combat alcohol abuse on campus. The AEP is not a
successful campaign design because it relied on a faulty, individually focused
model (the health belief model), results in psychological reactions (Cognitive
Dissonance and Psychological Reactance) that serve to disenfranchise students
from the message of alcohol safety and awareness, a message that is poorly
communicated to the student body. The “Be You” campaign provides a needed
remedy for these problems. It acknowledges social influences on behavior and
attitudes, and hopes to manipulate them by using peer models to steer student
perceptions of non-alcohol events; it deflects the problems of reactance and
dissonance by reframing the entire message of the campaign to one of freedom to
choose sanctioned University events; and, it uses effective communications
theories to broadcast the campaign so that students are able to access
information about these alternative events. All in all, the “Be You” program
would empower students to make great choices, something that the AEP campaign
fails to do entirely.
If the
University is serious about reducing the number of alcohol-related incidents
produced by members of its student body each week, BU must update its campaign
to one broadcasting positive messages that resonate with the student body and
provide safe alternatives to the adverse behavior of underage and binge
drinking. Additionally, the University must continue its efforts at educating
the student body on alcohol awareness through other means. One BU Today article
pointed out that Dean of Students Kenneth Elmore has already emailed students
about University alcohol policies, and that President Robert Brown addressed
the issue of alcohol awareness in his matriculation speech2. These types
of efforts, when coupled with a positive, activity-based and empowering
campaign like the proposed “Be You” campaign, have greater potential for
success than current efforts. Therefore, it is recommended that BU adapt its
current alcohol awareness and safety campaign to the proposed “Be You” program.
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Labels: Alcohol, Health Communication, Orange
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